Urban Catalyst Funds Blog

Google reaffirmed its commitment to san jose — and threw a block party to boot

Written by Erik Hayden | Sep 18, 2023 5:45:44 PM

We had to wait a few months for Google's latest public update on its San Jose campus plans, during which the internet and airwaves were rife with speculation about the future of the company's vast mixed-use village. That's why we were so encouraged by the latest from Google and the project's backers, which confirmed what we at Urban Catalyst knew all along: Google is committed to being in San Jose, believes in the people who live and work here, and has promised elected local and state representatives that the Downtown West project, while slightly delayed, is not in doubt.

To emphasize Google's commitment to San Jose, display how seriously it takes community engagement, and offer an example of how Google plans to activate the city's urban spaces in the future, the company organized a block party attended by hundreds of San Joseans on Sept. 9. Part of Google's "Creekside Socials" event series being done with real estate firm Jamestown, the party spanned a portion of the 80-acre site of the planned Downtown West development and featured food truck vendors, local arts and crafts proprietors, and musicians.

One of the event's featured speakers was Ruth Porat, Google's chief investment officer, who told attendees that the reason the company created a multi-decade "opportunity and development" plan is because "we believe in the people who live here, who work here and are committed to being here in San Jose."

The party marked Google's first public appearance at the Downtown West site since a report, citing anonymous sources, came out in April saying the project was on hold. Google swiftly denied those claims, asserting that the company had not paused work on the project or gutted its Downtown West development team, another claim the April report made. 

Fast forward to now, and Google's long-term plan to build a campus big enough to accommodate 20,000 workers and 4,000 homes doesn't seem to have wavered at all, even if the project timeline has been pushed out a little bit. The company's CEO and executives have "promised us that although the development has been slightly delayed, it is not in doubt," U.S. Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-San Jose) said at the block party. Lofgren later announced that Google's philanthropic arm was awarding a $250,000 grant to People Assisting the Homeless, a local nonprofit.

We at Urban Catalyst applaud Google not only for the large gift but for continuing to reaffirm its commitment to San Jose and Downtown West. We never believed the project was in jeopardy; Google had largely completed the development's first demolition phase ahead of initial construction in February, two months before it was reported that the project was on pause. Google may very well have temporarily paused the project's construction after completing that demolition work, as the company is in the midst of consolidating its global office footprint to better align its real estate needs with its hybrid workforce.

Of course, that doesn't mean the project was being mothballed, especially since Google had spent more than $470 million on property near San Jose's Diridon Station and SAP Center as of June 2021. Undertaking that level of real estate expenditure for its Downtown West project is a pretty strong commitment unto itself, and Google, according to the terms of its development agreement with the city, still has over two decades remaining to redevelop that acreage into a mixed-use village that will revitalize San Jose's core and surrounding areas. 

The following are links to reports by a handful of local and national publications that summarize what Google shared about Downtown West at last week's block party. Each is worth a read (a subscription may be required):

  • “Google recommits to build Downtown West transit village in San Jose” (The Real Deal, Sep. 12)

  • “Google re-emerges at Downtown West site, says it's committed to San Jose” (Silicon Valley Business Journal, Sep. 11)

  • “Google, local leaders say huge downtown San Jose village will be built” (The Mercury News, Sep. 11)

Like Google, we at Urban Catalyst have remained bullish on Downtown San Jose through thick and thin. I recommend you contact us to find out more about our development portfolio and what we aim to deliver downtown. 


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Real Estate Risk Disclosures

• There is no guarantee that any strategy will be successful or achieve investment objectives including, among other things, profits, distributions, tax benefits, exit strategy, etc.;
• Potential for property value loss – All real estate investments have the potential to lose value during the life of the investments;
• Change of tax status – The income stream and depreciation schedule for any investment property may affect the property owner’s income bracket and/or tax status. An unfavorable tax ruling may cancel deferral of capital gains and result in immediate tax liabilities;
• Potential for foreclosure – All financed real estate investments have potential for foreclosure;
• Illiquidity – These assets are commonly offered through private placement offerings and are illiquid securities. There is no secondary market for these investments.
• Reduction or Elimination of Monthly Cash Flow Distributions – Like any investment in real estate, if a property
unexpectedly loses tenants or sustains substantial damage, there is potential for suspension of cash flow distributions;
• Impact of fees/expenses – Costs associated with the transaction may impact investors’ returns and may outweigh the tax benefits
• Stated tax benefits – Any stated tax benefits are not guaranteed and are subject to changes in the tax code. Speak to your tax professional prior to investing.

Opportunity Zone Disclosures

• Investing in opportunity zones is speculative. Opportunity zones are newly formed entities with no operating history. There is no assurance of investment return, property appreciation, or profits. The ability to resell the fund’s underlying investment properties or businesses is not guaranteed. Investing in opportunity zone funds may involve a higher level of risk than investing in other established real estate offerings.
• Long-term investment. Opportunity zone funds have illiquid underlying investments that may not be easy to sell and the return of capital and realization of gains, if any, from an investment will generally occur only upon the partial or complete disposition or refinancing of such investments.
• Limited secondary market for redemption. Although secondary markets may provide a liquidity option in limited
circumstances, the amount you will receive typically is discounted to current valuations.
• Difficult valuation assessment. The portfolio holdings in opportunity zone funds may be difficult to value because financial markets or exchanges do not usually quote or trade the holdings. As such, market prices for most of a fund’s holdings will not be readily available.
• Capital call default consequences. Meeting capital calls to provide managers with the pledged capital is a contractual obligation of each investor. Failure to meet this requirement in a timely manner could elicit significant adverse consequences, including, without limitation, the forfeiture of your interest in the fund.
• Opportunity zone funds may use leverage in connection with certain investments or participate in investments with highly leveraged capital structures. Leverage involves a high degree of financial risk and may increase the exposure of such investments to factors such as rising interest rates, downturns in the economy or deterioration in the condition of the assets underlying such investments.
• Unregistered investment. As with other unregistered investments, the regulatory protections of the Investment
Company Act of 1940 are not available with unregistered securities.
• It is possible, due to tax, regulatory, or investment decisions, that a fund, or its investors, are unable to realize any tax benefits. You should evaluate the merits of the underlying investment and not solely invest in an opportunity zone fund for any potential tax advantage.

1031 Risk Disclosures

• There is no guarantee that any strategy will be successful or achieve investment objectives;

• Potential for property value loss – All real estate investments have the potential to lose value during the life of the investments;
• Change of tax status – The income stream and depreciation schedule for any investment property may affect the property owner’s income bracket and/or tax status. An unfavorable tax ruling may cancel deferral of capital gains and result in immediate tax liabilities;
• Potential for foreclosure – All financed real estate investments have potential for foreclosure;
• Illiquidity – Because 1031 exchanges are commonly offered through private placement offerings and are illiquid
securities. There is no secondary market for these investments.
• Reduction or Elimination of Monthly Cash Flow Distributions – Like any investment in real estate, if a property
unexpectedly loses tenants or sustains substantial damage, there is potential for suspension of cash flow distributions;
• Impact of fees/expenses – Costs associated with the transaction may impact investors’ returns and may outweigh the
tax benefits.

This confidential presentation (this “Presentation”) is being furnished upon request and on a confidential basis to a limited number of sophisticated investors on a “one-on-one” basis for the purpose of providing certain information about UC Multifamily Equity I LLC (the “Fund”). This Presentation is for informational and discussion purposes only and is not, and may not be, relied on in any manner as legal, tax, investment, accounting or other advice or as an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to purchase any securities of the Fund. Any such offer or solicitation shall only be made pursuant to the final confidential private placement memorandum (as amended or supplemented from time to time, and including the subscription agreement attached thereto, the “Subscription Package”) and the Fund’s limited liability company agreement, which will be furnished to qualified investors on a confidential basis at their request and should be reviewed in connection with any consideration of an investment in the Fund. No person has been authorized to make any statement concerning the Fund other than as will be set forth in the Subscription Package and any representation or information not contained therein may not be relied upon. The information contained in this Presentation must be kept strictly confidential and may not be reproduced (in whole or in part) or redistributed in any format without the express written approval of Urban Catalyst Manager II LLC (the “Manager”). By accepting this document, the recipient agrees that it will, and will cause its representatives and advisors to, use the information only to evaluate its potential interest in the Fund and for no other purpose and will not, and will cause its representatives and advisors not to, divulge any such information to any other party. Neither the Fund nor any of its affiliates makes any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein and nothing contained herein should be relied upon as a promise or representation as to past or future performance of the Fund or any other entity. Any potential investor considering an investment in the Fund that is on behalf of an employee benefit plan or individual retirement account (or governmental, church, or foreign plan subject to laws similar to those governing employee benefit plans and individual retirement accounts) is strongly encouraged to consult with its own legal and tax advisers regarding the consequences of such an investment.

This Presentation does not constitute a part of the Subscription Package. An investment in the Fund is speculative, entails a high degree of risk, and no assurance can be given that the Fund’s investment objectives will be achieved or that investors will receive a return of their capital. In considering investment performance information contained in this Presentation, prospective investors should bear in mind that past, targeted or projected performance is not necessarily indicative of future results, and there can be no assurance that targeted or projected returns will be achieved, that the Fund will achieve comparable results or that the Fund will be able to implement its investment strategy or achieve its investment objectives. While the Manager’s projected returns are based on assumptions which the Manager believes are reasonable under the circumstances, the actual realized returns on the Manager’s unrealized investment will depend on, among other factors, the value of the asset and market conditions at the time of disposition, any related transaction costs and the timing and manner of sale, all of which may differ from the assumptions and circumstances on which the Manager’s projections are based. Accordingly, the actual realized returns on unrealized investments may differ materially from the Manager’s projected returns indicated herein. There can be no assurance that projected or expected realizations or distributions will occur. Furthermore, prospective investors are encouraged to contact the Manager’s representatives to discuss the procedures and methodologies used to calculate the investment returns and other information provided herein. Certain information contained herein constitutes “forward-looking statements,” which can be identified by the use of terms such as “may”, “will”, “should”, “expect”, “anticipate”, “project”, “estimate”, “intend”, “continue,” “target” or “believe” (or the negatives thereof) or other variations thereon or comparable terminology. Due to various risks and uncertainties, such as those set forth in the Subscription Package, actual events or results or actual performance of the Fund may differ materially from those reflected or contemplated in such forward-looking statements. As a result, investors should not rely on such forward-looking statements in making their investment decisions.


There are substantial risks associated with the federal income tax aspects of an investment in the Company. The income tax consequences of an investment in the Company are complex and recent tax legislation has made substantial revisions to the Code. Many of these changes affect the tax benefits generally associated with an investment in real estate. A further discussion of the tax aspects (including other tax risks) of an investment in the Company is set forth in the PPM under “Federal Income Tax Consequences.” Because the tax aspects of the Offering are complex, and certain of the tax consequences may differ depending on individual tax circumstances, prospective investors are urged to consult with and rely on their own tax advisor concerning the Offering’s tax aspects and their individual situation. No representation or warranty of any kind is made with respect to the Internal Revenue Service’s (the “IRS’s”) acceptance of the treatment of any item by the Company or an investor.

It is anticipated that if the Company generates taxable income, such income will be considered UBTI. Tax-exempt entities should consult with their own tax counsel regarding the effect of any UBTI. See the PPM and “Federal Income Tax Consequences – Investment by Qualified Plans, IRAs and Tax-Exempt Entities – Unrelated Business Taxable Income.”

Congress has recently enacted several major tax bills that substantially affect the tax treatment of real estate investments including, but not limited to, the tax provisions of the CARES Act. These changes will have a substantial effect on the type of activities in which the Company intends to engage, and certain of those effects are set forth under the appropriate subheadings under “Federal Income Tax Consequences.” In many instances, Congressional Committee reports have been relied upon for the interpretation and application of these new statutory provisions. While the Code authorizes the Treasury Department to issue extensive substantive regulations regarding recently adopted Code provisions, few have been issued to date. In addition, Congress could make substantial changes in the future to the income tax consequences with respect to an investment in the Company.